Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week in Review 6/11/11

Good Morning Lord!  Another bright and beautiful Saturday!  And for you, another quick and light Saturday post to recap an amazing week on Vegan Faith!


Whoo! I feel good! Nununununuh!  

How about you?  I feel as though I have really pushed my body hard this week, while still honoring its need for rest.  In the same way, my eating habits have improved so significantly.  My body craves more wholesome food...but we will get to that in a moment.  This week in fitness:

Sunday: Rest
Monday: 3 mile hike, bleacher runs
Tuesday: Treadmill Intervals
Wednesday: High Intensity Intervals
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 6 mile run!
Saturday: track workout


It has been a lot more difficult than I thought to stick to the Marsha Challenge Guidelines.  Despite falling just short of my goals each day, it has still overhauled my diet and overall has left me feeling more confident and strong.  Of particular note: I am eating at the table more often and less distracted.  I am listening to my body for hunger signals and I am being more picky about my snack choices each day.

Although I have been on the Marsha Challenge, it hasn't stopped me from baking quite a few batches of cupcakes this week!  So this week's feature recipe is definitely a cupcake, but since we are in Marsha Challenge mode, it will be my delicious Cupcake Overnight Oats recipe!  Enjoy!

Along with getting my health back on track, I am also fighting to bring my devotion to God back on track.  This means allowing him to lead in my life, and giving time each day to worship Him.  I wrote about how I was feeling and how I plan to focus on my Faith.

The photo of the week belongs to Marsha and her beautiful daughters...who entertained us so well at dinner on Thursday!  We had such a wonderful time hanging out with their family!


The Friend of the week is Angela at Oh She Glows.  She is a magician in the kitchen!  I just love all the recipes she creates and I get a lot of my cooking and vegan inspiration from her!  Check out Ange, stop by and say hello, and try out one of her amazing dinners, desserts, or even a Green Monster!  She is also well-known for her Overnight Oat Parfaits that have inspired my own creations!

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