Saturday, May 28, 2011

VF Features

Sometimes I feel like the dorky blogger, you know.  I'm the one typing away on a Friday night, or sitting inside on a sunny Saturday.  I promise, I am not as lame as I seem.  It's just that I have this really cool job that allows me to play outside in the sun every other day of the week.  Also, I don't just use Fridays and Saturdays for socializing...much of my weeknights are spent eating dinner out with friends and sipping wine.  So you will excuse me as I make my third post on this gorgeous Saturday...and know that I haven't spent all day inside on the computer.  In fact, I even got out for a run with friends this morning and made it to the farmer's market!
But since this is my third post for the day I will make this short and sweet!  Here's a recap of what's been happening on VeganFaith this week!


Sunday: 1000m swim (with the hubby!)
Monday: lift and 45 minute run/walk
Tuesday: Pilates and 30 minute stationary bike (lazy girl's cardio)
Wednesday: Yoga
Thursday: rest (aka shots in the arm)
Friday: Ashley's HIIT workout (check out The Marsha Challenge HIIT for beginners)
Saturday: 5 mile run

Overall I feel really great about my workouts this week.  Helping Marsha through The Marsha Challenge has really inspired me and motivated me to get active again and clean up my diet!  This morning I even got out for a long run and it felt amazing!  I am so happy to be back in the swing of things and am feeling great about myself this week!


I haven't really bared my soul to you this week...that is until just a few short hours ago.  That was the first time I truly realized I'm a writer.  You see, blogging has never felt like writing before.  It has always felt natural, and fun...and I thought writing was supposed to be dreadful.  But when I experienced a little disappointment earlier today, the only thing I could think to do was write it all down.  Now some may say that I should keep a private journal, and not share so personally on my website.  However, this website represents my life.  The ups and the downs.  And it is just more meaningful to know that someone will be reading your words, encouraging you, praying for you...and it is nice to add photos to your stories!  So just a little while ago I shared with you how I feel about living in North Carolina vs. Missouri and while I didn't talk about God in the post, know that the Spirit was truly present in my emotions and my thoughts at that time.  I put my faith in God and know that He will comfort me and guide me. 


Where do we begin?  We have had an amazing week on VeganFaith!  I have featured so many wonderful recipes and I really hope that you enjoy them all.  But for this feature, I lead you to my Memorial Day recipes one last time!  If you decide to prepare one of these please email me and let me know how you enjoyed the recipe!


Hop on over to Foodie Fresh today and check her out!  She is so adorable and even let me write for her today!  I guess that makes 4 posts on a Saturday instead of 3.  A little excessive?

Africa is amazing, Typhoid fever is not!

Guess what?  Forbes and I received news that an anonymous donor has stepped forth and with that last donation we are FULLY FUNDED FOR OUR MISSION TRIP!  Wow!  I feel so amazing and blessed and I can't believe that in just 3 more weeks we are going to Africa!  Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we prepare for our trip.  And although we are already fully funded, we have the ability to bring extra funds with us and donate to the mission while we are there!  So we are still accepting donations.  In the coming weeks, I hope to share more information about the mission we are supporting, but the real news will come while we are there and when we return.  I won't know the extent of our work until we are actually doing it!  Stay tuned!

And have a great weekend!  Now I am off to play in the sun for said BBQ we are attending this evening.  Remember these awesome treats? 
Don't you wish you could be at this party too?

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