Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Busy Bee

My days are always busy, but not in the same way as most others' days.  I usually get up in the morning and head to the office like so many others, although my office is right next door to my bedroom.  Throughout the day I set up meetings and appointments, but typically only have one a day, if that.  Today was different and I am just now catching up to blog.  Yet I am still multi-tasking this post, as I sit at the food pantry handing out boxes. 

I have started volunteering more at the Christian Mission since the planning for the Turkey Trot ended in December.  I still meet with the marketing team to work on other plans for the Mission, but without the time constraint of 5k planning, I have scheduled my Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings at the Mission in the food pantry and warehouse. 

Are you familiar with the Mooresville Christian Mission?  Before this past year I knew it existed, but I had no idea what they did.  After finishing a bible study in our small group last spring, I decided to take action in my own community.  Following my return form Mwandi, my conviction to volunteer in Mooresville was even greater.  So I found myself at the Mission's front door asking for help. 

I quickly learned all the Christian Mission has to offer, and about the others who arrive at their front door asking for a very different kind of help.  The mission serves over 4,000 families from our community in many different capacities.  The food pantry is just one of their services, they also have a free store, counseling, and more.  I feel like I learn more every day I am here.  The extent of their service is so far reaching. 

Today I haven't stepped foot in my home since 7:30 this morning and that is so unusual for me!  Typically I am home all day!  I had a quick pep rally at a middle school this morning and despite being nearly 27 years old, I still feel very uncomfortable around middle-schoolers.  I think I need a new approach when talking to that age group for Girls on the Run. 

Following the pep rally I had a marketing team meeting for the mission, a team meeting for another 5k I am working on, a meeting at the bank, and volunteering at the mission.  Between all that I have been catching up with registration for Girls on the Run.  Today is the last day!  Directly following this I will head to the Y for my final coaches training before the season officially begins.

3 things stressing me out today:
  • I still haven't met my goal for GOTR numbers this season
  • My meeting at the bank didn't go so well...let's chat about that tomorrow!
  • Finally, I don't do well being out of the office all day...I am a little stressed about getting everything done on time today!
3 things making me happy today:
  • Feeling super fortunate despite current set-backs in my own plans.
  • Knowing so many others are praying for us each and every day.
  • Getting to hang out with 20 awesome women tonight at coaches training.
How about you?  Any stressors today?  Any thing good happenin'?

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