Monday, May 30, 2011

Summertime=Corona Time!

You will excuse my absence yesterday.  I was busy working...
I figured you wouldn't mind...considering how you got 4 blog posts for the price of 1 on Saturday!  And yes, Ikea was considered work yesterday!  I am pricing shelves for my poor, overwhelmed garage.  I am also looking for some new office furniture to make my space more efficient.  Oh the joys of summer work!

After Saturday night's BBQ with friends, we didn't have any big plans for last night.  In fact, we haven't any plans for tonight either.  It sure doesn't feel like a holiday weekend around here.  Especially since Forbes is at school today (snow make up day), boo!

We didn't let our lack of plans get in the way of celebrating this weekend, however.  So after my grueling day in the office (aka, Ikea's office furniture section), I came home with a treat for hubby and me.
We fired up the grill for just the two of us and made my favorite veggie burgers!
Served on a whole grain roll, topped with arugula and organic ketchup.
On the side we served grilled corn on the cob and Brussels sprouts.  We left the corn in its husks and set it right on the grill for about 20 minutes.  At the same time, we sliced the sprouts in half, wrapped in tin foil with a pat of Earth Balance butter and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.
After about 15 minutes of cooking, we added the veggie burgers to the grill (omit the baking step and just grill for 3-5 minutes on either side), and in less than 30 minutes we had a feast!
Dinner was delicious.  I'm glad we grilled because it is H.O.T. around here lately and we still haven't turned on the AC.  When dinner was finished, it only took us just a few seconds to figure out how to spend the rest of our evening...somewhere cool and dark.  There aren't any caves close by, so we opted for a movie instead.
This was Laugh-Out-Loud funny!  Our favorite part was the airplane scene!  I'm sure many of you have seen this movie by now and I would love to hear what your favorite scene was as well!  This was great humor, not so dirty like some of the other comedies out there, but full of wit and hilarity!

We were up so late last night, that I was seriously dragging this morning.  But I had an appointment with Marsha and I couldn't miss it.  So I pushed through a grueling strength session and interval workout on the treadmill.  Check it out:

The Marsha Challenge Strength Workout 2

Front and Side Crunches on Bosu Ball
Deadlift with Front and Lateral Raise (8 lb)
Squat and Curl (12 lbs)
Cable Press and Flye
Step up Lunge with Overhead Press (8 lb)
Back extension on Bosu ball

We did 15 reps of each move for 3 sets

Treadmill Interval 


1.0 incline

0-5 min                     3.0 speed
5-10                           3.5
10-12                         5.5
12-16                         3.5
16-18                         5.5
18-22                         3.5
22-24                         5.8
24-28                         3.5
28-30                         5.8
30-35                         3.5
35-40                         3.0


5 minute warm-up fast walking pace at 1.0 incline

1 minute 4.5
1 minute 5.5
1 minute 5.8
1 minute 3.5
Repeat 5 times

5 minute cool-down walking pace

It was exceptionally warm in the gym today and I was exceptionally sweaty at the end of our workout.  I just came home and slammed a Green Monster and now I really need to get some real work done.  Not the kind that involves shopping.  Boo!  Have a great Memorial Day and I hope you are at least enjoying the day off work! 

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