Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 2

Engage is officially underway!  We spent yesterday on the back porch of the house learning all about Christian Associates, how they progress in church planting and the role of missionaries within Christian Associates.  We had challenging discussions, amongst which we debated the difference between a missional theology and a theology of mission.  If you are curious, a missional theology is one which God is the center and is already at work, and we as sent ones act incarnationally to spread the Gospel.  While a theology of mission can look like many different things, ultimately I imagine it to be a "doing" process rather than a "being" process.  Ok, maybe you just had to be part of the conversation!

What I have learned in our short time with CA is that I truly respect their theology, and their methodology of spreading the Gospel.  We are enjoying all of the staff and other Engage participants and feel like we are at home with this small group of people. 

Last night I was very exhausted and went to bed straight after dinner and now we are up and at 'em again!  Ready to start another day of learning and discerning.  The more I learn, the more I want to be a part of this group.  Each day is more exciting than the last and therefore each day makes me more and more nervous.  This could be the start of the rest of our lives! 

*Keep praying*

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