Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Meal Planning Woes

We are celebrating Anniversary Week, but that doesn't mean our lives have come to a stand still.  In fact we are more busy than ever this week, yet we are putting our all into spending quality time with one another.  Last night Forbes came to Total Body with me, a class dominated by women.  He had fun, however...I think! 

Due to busy schedules we found ourselves at home last night with an empty fridge and 15 minutes to leave for my next appointment. 
Quizno's coupons came in handy and we each had a veggie sub on whole wheat.  Eating out fast food, even if it is healthy fast food, isn't ideal for us.  Even with coupons, this meal cost us 10 or 12 dollars.  With a little preparation and planning, we could have had this same meal at home, with better ingredients for much less. 

I am disappointed in my lack of meal planning and preparedness.  Despite having an option at home last night, we had very little time to cook and therefore had to run out for quick food.  If I would have prepared the food earlier in the day, we could have saved $12!  I need to get better at this!

Tomorrow is the big day!  Three years of marriage!  Gifts and well wishes will be accepted :)

Have a great Tuesday!

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